Responsive Web App

Portfolio Demo Web Application

Rather than getting me to spout keywords and acronyms why not play around with one of my latest web applications hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud.

You can’t break anything.

Try it on your phone by clicking on the link below:

Mobile Catalog Application

Enter the app with the email and password abcABC123()

Add the app to your phone Home screen and you’ll see it behaves like a native application (using Chrome, select the vertical three dot menu icon top right and choose “Add to Home screen”).

Responsive, cross-platform web application

Being a responsive web application it will work on Android and iOS devices. It can naturally be accessed via a normal desktop browser on Windows, Linux and Apple machines.

If you’re paying for native app development targeting Android and Apple devices separately I’m sure you can appreciate what cost savings can be achieved using a cross-platform application.

Note: This is a staging version of the application and hence patience is needed for it first start up as it can be taken out of cache if not used in a while. It can take up to 40s to start.

A staging version is used for development of new features and bug fixes.

The application uses AR (Augmented Reality) to display catalog items against whatever the phone camera is pointed at.

Get in touch if you’d like a guided demo.

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