Trust the universe when colour matters

Finding the base colour

I let nature choose the colours for my website design; it could be said I put trust in the universe when it came to matters of colours and combinations thereof.

Nature is the great visible engine of creativity, against which all other creative efforts are measured.

Terence McKenna

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Nexus 4 Android phone. A year on.

I’d been looking to replace my Samsung S2+ Android phone for quite a while, and as soon as I saw the Nexus 4 price drop to €199 in November 2013, due to the imminent release of the Nexus 5, I went for it.

It was an impulsive purchase but I managed to get a fair price for the S2+ advertising it on

So how did that snap decision a year and a bit ago turn out?

Continue reading Nexus 4 Android phone. A year on.

Android Lollipop on the Nexus 4

Strange the knock-on effects of a new release of Android. I flashed the factory image of Android 5.0 or Lollipop some 20 minutes after Google made it available and have been very pleased with it ever since, no problems whatsoever. The phone feels smoother, battery life appears to have improved, it’s great when a software change has these sorts of consequences.

Let’s see what the unexpected effect of a new version of the Android software on my phone has meant for my web site…

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KeePass password management for WordPress

Passwords; we’re always told how important it is to use passwords that will help us be secure on the web.

If one only has a couple to remember I recommend using hard to remember passwords and carrying them with you written down. But who only has a couple of passwords nowadays?

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